If you knew us in-person, you'll definitely recognize us online. Our content remains the same rich and inspiring  material it has always been. If you're just meeting us, we look forward to getting to know you and your family. Our original content is informed by life experiences alongside diverse learners and drives our focus on building enriching and meaningful relationships.


  • Themed explorations
  • Mindfulness and movement
  • Multi-media art
  • Cooking creations
  • Tech tools skill development 
  • ​Typing & Communication practice

 The Legacy Center  |  818-458-1656  |  info@theLCnet.com

​elevating • standards • for the neurodiverse

Families & Providers

We work directly with families and service providers to deliver engaging content to target specific life skills and goals. Participants have secure access to the L.C.O. platform via individual logins where bi-directional sharing allows exchange and interaction with material. Online content is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for independent use, with facilitator support, or for full team engagement.

Our digital multi media platform (iOS and Windows) can be accessed from both desktop and mobile devices. We make use of the latest technology to deliver a vibrant, interactive and accessible (AAC device integration) virtual experience for all participants. Themed sessions provide content for week long engagement and variety enough to keep things fresh and exciting.


expanding the virtual experience